At Welcome Home, we help single moms secure safe housing while they navigate challenging transitions.

Specifically, we provide partial RENT SUBSIDIES for up to two years. We also assist our recipients with outfitting their homes with the basic necessities, from beds to towels.

If you are a single mom lacking sufficient accessible assets and income to provide the basic housing needs for your family, we are here to help.

If your situation fits the following initial criteria, please reach out to us and proceed with the formal application process:

You are a single mom who...

  • has household income below the Statistics Canada low income cut-off,

  • doesn't have access to sufficient assets to provide for housing for your family, and

  • is navigating a difficult transition.

You have identified family rental housing that...

If you would like to initiate an application for our support, please contact us.

While we would like to help every single mom in need, our resources are constrained and applications will be subject to a confidential screening process in advance of our approval determination.